Windows 10 VDI Deploy Teams machine based


Today I wanted to share a small tip if you want to deploy Teams in a VDI environment.

Usually the Teams client install into the user profile, as such on golden image it’s not practical to do it that way.

Roaming profile or Citrix Profile Management make it easier to follow between machine, but it add complexity to manage that way. To be exact it’s these two folders that need to be synced; C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\IdentityCache (%localAppdata%\Microsoft\IdentityCache) and C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams (%appdata%\Microsoft\Teams).

Team got the Installer service, which add a hidden Teams setup inside the Program File’s folder. The utility is useful, but Team got the full MSI too, which I prefer to use.

The download, x64 or x32

You can use GPO to deploy it, or manually inside the golden image that way;

msiexec /i Teams_Windows_x64.msi /l*v log.log ALLUSER=1 ALLUSERS=1 /QN OPTIONS=”noAutoStart=true”

I like the noAutoStart option for a golden image scenario, the settings prevent the auto run from Teams when the user never did runned it. So after an user runned Teams, the auto start kick in, but it prevent one for an user that never used Teams.

A note is the ALLUSERS setting, the main difference is that setting publish the desktop icon for Teams, but to run from the ProgramFile, not directly from the user profile, so the desktop icon is valid for anyone on the computer 🙂